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Ordering at is Safe and Easy! utilizes Secure Sockets Layer, an advanced data encryption system used to ensure the security and confidentiality of information exchanged between your browser and the Discount Equipment e-commerce servers. All of your personal information (including credit card numbers) will be encrypted and then transmitted from your browser to our e-commerce systems securely. This information can only be unencrypted by Discount Equipment. We can only guarantee secure transactions with orders placed directly from our website using our secure online ordering system. We cannot guarantee secure transactions for orders sent to us via email. Safe Shopping GuaranteeWe guarantee that shopping with will be safe and secure. This means that you will not be responsible for any unauthorized charges made to your credit card stemming from purchases you have made with U.S. federal regulations provide for a limit on the liability of each credit card holder for fraudulent charges. This limit is currently $50.00. Should fraudulent charges be applied to your card through no fault of your own while interacting with's secure commerce facilities, and your bank holds you responsible for the $50.00 maximum, we will cover the entire amount up to the full $50.00. Respects Your knows that the confidentiality of purchase-related information is of special concern to visitors who purchase items through That is why Discount Equipment is committed to safeguarding this information. We will never share any personally identifiable information (such as your name, address or telephone number) that you provide us when you make a purchase through with any other company, except where necessary for the vendor to fulfill the order. We may use the information you provide us when you make a purchase through to tell you about new products, services and special offers that we believe might be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to be contacted about such products, services or special offers, please let us know by not checking the "Please e-mail me about special Discount Equipment promotions" option, which is located in our Your Account pages as well as our checkout. Who is is a Certifying Authority (CA). Certifying Authorities are used to ensure that your browser is communicating with the authentic and not an imposter. When set up its secure website, we obtained our certificate from, one of the most trusted Certifying Authorities in the world. As part of our application, we provided them with certain legal information about our organization, which they used to certify that is legitimate and should be certified. |
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