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Honda General Purpose Engine Common Parts by Model Number

Please note, the models listed are Honda general purpose engines, used on literally hundreds of different equipment brands. If the brand of your equipment is Honda, please use the parts listing for that model number. Many of the parts for engines used on Honda equipment will differ from those use on the general purpose version of the same engine.

Between model, version, and type, there are over 4000 different Honda general purpose engines. Not all Honda engines have model and type stamped into the block. If you don't have your original receipt or warranty card, you will probably have to do some detective work. Most of the pages linked to below will have pictures to help you find serial and type numbers. Each engine model page will have a list of some standard features for each type. This can help you narrow down the choices. The model type information (further down on this page) may also help.

About model, version, and type numbers:
The first part of the model number (i.e. G300, GXV390) will usually be located on the starter or the shroud. You will also need to know which version you have. Honda may make small changes in a model from time to time. The new version will have approximately the same specifications as the previous one, so it's not given a new model number. Instead, Honda gives it a new K number. The GXV340 is replaced by the GXV340K1 which is replaced by the GXV340K2, and so on. Some of the changes are obvious, but some are not. The most reliable way to tell which K number your mower has is by using the serial number. 

These two pieces of information are enough to determine part numbers for 90 percent of parts. While there may be more than 100 variations of the GX340K1 engine, most of them use the same piston, the same head gasket, etc. For simple items like the air filter, it may only be necessary to know whether you have the regular air cleaner assembly, the cyclonic, or the oil bath type. However, for something like a crankshaft or control assembly, it may be necessary to know exactly which type you have. 

Model Type Identification Information
These refer to the letters and numbers after the model designation, for example the TX in GX110 TX. The meanings of these letters and numbers are not necessarily constant through Honda's entire engine line. It's a good idea to compare the features (PTO, air cleaner, etc.) of your engine with the list provided for that model number as well.

First Letter: PTO Type
Q or D = Standard PTO (US)
V = Tapered
P or T = Threaded
H = 6:1 Gear Reduction
L = 2:1 Gear Reduction
R = 2:1 Gear Reduction w/clutch

Second Letter: Type
X = Oil Alert
D = Economy Type
W = Recoil Starter (GXV610/GXV620 models)
A = Oil Pressure Switch
Y = Screen Grid
Z = Oil Alert (On older side valve models)

Subsequent Letters and Numbers: Variation
A = 3A/Low Mount Muffler
B = 20A/High Mount Muffler
C = Cyclone Air Cleaner (3A w/o fuel Cut Solenoid on GXV610/GXV620 models) 
D = w/o Fuel Cut Solenoid, w/o Charge Coil
E = Electric Start (3A Charge System on GXV610/GXV620 models)
F = Compression Type (3A Charge System on GXV610/GXV620 models)
G = Relocated Recoil
P = Propane
Q = Inner Vent Carburetor
S = 50 Watt Lamp Coil
T = With Fuel Tank
W = Without Tank
2 = Oil Alert (audible warning system on Vertical Shaft Models)

If the model you are looking for is not listed please fill out this parts request form with your manufacture, model and serial number and detailed information at this link click here. If you do not have the model and serial information you can send photos via that link. For all other inquiries please use this contact page to locate the department you need Contact Us.

Honda Engine Parts

For Help identifying your Honda Engine or Carburetor number please,

Click Here: How to Identify my Engine

  • Honda GX 120 4.0 HP
  • Honda GX 160 5.5 HP
  • Honda GX 240 8.0 HP
  • Honda GX 270 9.0 HP
  • Honda GX 390 13.0 HP

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