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Price Match Guarantee for New Equipment Sales



How does Discount Equipment Rental's price–match guarantee work?
If you find a lower price anywhere else on a new, (same model year not old inventory) identical item, just show us the lower price on a written quote that is dated within 7 days prior to your purchase with Discount Equipment Rental and we will match the price.

Which items does Discount Equipment Rental price match?
Almost everything we sell. The item must be identical, including model number, components and U.S. warranty. The item must be in stock and available for purchase at that price from an authorized U.S. reseller, whose authorization we reserve the right to verify.

Which items and services aren’t available for price match?
We don’t match our store prices to those on other companies' Web sites. We don’t price match our Discount Equipment Rental Services. We don’t price match our third–party provider's products and services (e.g., rentals, repairs, parts, labor, finance interest rates, credit card processing fees) We can not price match if we are receiving payment by credit card due to the cost of processing fee charges from the credit card and processing companies. Items sold on auction sites or at local or special events (e.g., grand opening, anniversary, clearance or liquidation sales). We don’t price match taxes and typographical errors.

What if I find a lower price at another Discount Equipment Rental Locations?
If you find a lower price in one of our stores, catalogs or on®, we’ll gladly match the lower price. If an item is marked “clearance,” the clearance price is only valid for an in–stock product that is marked at that clearance price.

How do Discount Equipment Rental coupons and rebates contribute to the Discount Equipment Rental price?
When calculating a price match, we’ll deduct any available Discount Equipment Rental coupons, Discount Equipment Rental Rebates (instant, easy or mail–in) and manufacturer rebates from the Discount Equipment Rental price to arrive at a net price. For example, if you buy an item from us for $100 and we offer a $20 instant rebate, the net price is $80. If another company’s price is $80 or more, we will not match the price. Another example: if you buy an item from us for $159 and you have a $30 coupon, the net price is $129. If another company’s price is $125, your price match would be $4.

Will Discount Equipment Rental match another company’s price combined with an instant rebate, mail–in rebate, gift check or gift card, or free or discounted item?
We’ll match another company’s final price after deducting an instant rebate. If another company offers a product that comes with a mail–in rebate, gift check, gift card or an equivalent, we will only match the price you pay at the point of purchase and will not take the mail–in rebate, gift check, gift card or equivalent into account. If another company offers a product that comes with a free or discounted item and Discount Equipment Rental does not carry the free or discounted item, we will only match the price you pay at the point of purchase and will not take the free or discounted item into account.

Are delivery charges included in the price match?
No. Since most Discount Equipment Rental orders are delivered, when we compare our price to another company's delivery price, the company's shipping and handling fees will be added to their price to make a fair comparison against our price. If the other company's shipping and handling fees are not supplied, we will add Freight and shipping cost to the other company's price. Freight charges are different based on where the product is shipping from and to so freight can not be price matched. But we will in every possible way get you the best freight rate on that product.

Are quantities limited on price–matched products?

We may limit the quantities of price–matched items, particularly if the other company does. In addition, we reserve the right to limit quantities sold to a customer.

Policy information is available at the customer service desk in store, by calling 1–877-690-3101, or visiting For a price match, This policy is subject to change without notice. Effective September 1, 2010.

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